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Risk Disclosures

These Risk Disclosures are meant to provide general information about the risks involved in investing or otherwise participating in any campaign made available on the Website or through the Services (each, a "Participation"). They are not, and should not be construed as, any form of legal, financial, tax, or other professional advice that is particular to any person, including yourself. You are responsible for seeking professional advice before participating in any campaign, and for carefully considering whether such participation is suitable in light of your particular circumstances, including your particular level of experience and sophistication as an investor, investment objectives, risk appetite, investment horizon, financial needs and resources.

You agree that your decision to participate in any campaign is your sole responsibility and that Fundnel and its affiliates are in no way responsible for any adverse consequence you may directly or indirectly sustain as a result of such participation.

The following list of risk factors is provided for general information only. It is not an exhaustive list of all possible risks that maybe involved. Explanations provided of each risk factor listed below are not comprehensive.

Investment risk. The value of any investment instrument you purchase in a Participation is affected by many factors, not all of which can be foreseen, controlled, or mitigated. Such value therefore cannot be guaranteed, and may fall or rise in a manner that affects the return on your invested capital. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, and should not be unduly relied upon in deciding to enter into a Participation. No Participation carries any guarantee of distribution, interest payment, reward, or other return in any form whatsoever.

Restricted regulatory protections. Only investors that qualify as 'accredited investors' or 'institutional investors' under Singapore law may undertake a Participation. Such investors have fewer regulatory protections under Singapore law, including the absence of any statutory requirement to ensure that the investment instrument you purchase in a Participation is made in or accompanied by a prospectus lodged and registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. You will therefore not have statutory protections should you suffer any loss or damage as a result of false or misleading statements, or material omissions, in offering documents relating to the relevant investment opportunity.

Loss of full capital amount. The entities raising funds through campaigns on the Website or through Fundnel generally are earlystage companies. Such entities may not necessarily have an established track record, stable cash flow or profits, or a proven business model. The risk of business failure and, consequently, the loss of your full investment amount, is high. Investing in them is therefore a high-risk venture. Fundnel is not liable to refund or take any steps to ensure the refund of your investment amount, whether partly or in full, in the event of such loss.

Illiquidity. The entities raising funds through campaigns on the Website or through Fundnel are privatelyheld entities. Secondary markets for investment instruments issued by such entities may not develop during the period of your Participation. Liquidity of the investment instrument you purchase in a Participation may therefore be low or non-existent. You may not be able to sell off the investment instrument quickly enough, or at all, to avoid or minimize financial or other loss to you.

Risks of equity investments. Return on equity investments will usually be in the form of dividend payout or capital appreciation. However, neither can be assured. Your equity stake may also be diluted should the entity issuing you equity subsequently undertakes to issue more equity to existing or new shareholders. Should the issuing entity become insolvent, certain other parties may rank ahead of you in the distribution of the issuing entity's remaining assets including, without limitation, creditors and employees. You may therefore not receive any distribution in event of insolvency.

Risks of debt investments. An entity issuing the debt instrument may at any time become insolvent or face other issues that affect its ability to make payments due on your debt investment. You risk losing the full principal amount, or not receiving any or all of the payouts on your debt investment, should such events occur.

No assurance of performance. This Website may contain estimates, projections, or other statements that are not statements of historical fact. Examples include predictions on performance and information about a fundraising entity's future business plans, and will include forward-looking language such as "may"; "likely"; "potentially"; and "approximately". Such statements are forward-looking statements and are not statements of fact or a representation, warranty, assurance, or guarantee as to the truth, completeness, accuracy, or eventual fulfilment of the content thereof. Any past performance, estimate, projection or other statement is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of any investment.

Risk Warning & Disclaimers Fundnel Pte. Ltd. (“Fundnel SG”) is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) as the holder of a capital markets services licence for dealing in securities and as an exempt financial advisor in relation to securities and collective investment schemes in Singapore. Fundnel Technologies Sdn. Bhd. (“Fundnel MY”) is registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) as a recognised market operator for equity crowdfunding in Malaysia. This website has not been reviewed by the MAS or SC and has been prepared solely for information and may not be reproduced or redistributed without permission to any other person. The delivery and contents of this website do not constitute a recommendation, offer, or solicitation of an offer to enter into any contract or agreement to provide any investment services or to apply for or buy any securities, or to effect or conclude any transaction of any kind whatsoever in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an invitation or solicitation in such jurisdiction. Fundnel SG, Fundnel MY, and all their related entities do not make any assurance, representation, warranty, or other guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of the contents of this website, and none of them shall be liable for any loss whatsoever arising from any use of or reliance on the same. Investing in private companies (particularly start-ups and early stage) carries significant risks including illiquidity, loss of capital, rarity of dividends, and dilution, and should not be undertaken without professional advice or a full understanding of the risks involved. Investors are advised to read and understand the details of a deal or investment before investing, and to consider the fees, charges and costs involved in making an investment. None of the information on this Website has, and shall not be construed as having, any regard to the particular situation of any particular person including the investment objectives, financial position, or needs of any particular person.

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Legal & Compliance